Songwriter Split Sheets

A Songwriter Split Sheet is a document used to determine the ownership and distribution of royalties among songwriters and other contributors to a song. It helps ensure fair and accurate recognition of each individual's creative contributions to the song.

The songwriter split sheets are typically filed by the songwriters themselves.


Q: What is a songwriter split sheet?
A: A songwriter split sheet is a document that outlines how the songwriting credits and royalties are divided among the songwriters involved in creating a song.

Q: Why are songwriter split sheets important?
A: Songwriter split sheets are important because they help ensure that all songwriters receive proper credit and royalties for their contributions to a song.

Q: What information is typically included in a songwriter split sheet?
A: A songwriter split sheet usually includes the names of the songwriters, their respective contributions to the song, the percentage of ownership for each writer, and their contact information.

Q: When should songwriter split sheets be filled out?
A: Songwriter split sheets should ideally be filled out and signed by all songwriters involved as soon as the song is completed or before any potential revenues are generated.

Q: Who should keep a copy of the songwriter split sheet?
A: It is recommended that each songwriter involved keeps a copy of the signed split sheet, and it may also be beneficial for their music publisher or legal representation to have a copy as well.

Q: Can a songwriter split sheet be modified or updated?
A: Yes, a songwriter split sheet can be modified or updated if there are changes to the songwriting credits or ownership percentages. It is important to have all parties involved agree to any changes and sign off on the updated split sheet.

Q: Can a songwriter split sheet be used for both co-writes and collaborations?
A: Yes, a songwriter split sheet can be used for both co-writing sessions where multiple writers create a song together and collaborations where one songwriter writes the lyrics while another writes the music.

Q: Are songwriter split sheets legally binding?
A: While songwriter split sheets are not always legally binding, they serve as an important agreement among the songwriters and can provide evidence of agreed-upon songwriting credits and ownership percentages in case of any disputes in the future.

Q: Do I need a lawyer to create a songwriter split sheet?
A: It is not always necessary to have a lawyer create a songwriter split sheet, but it is recommended to consult with legal representation or music industry professionals to ensure that the split sheet accurately reflects the agreements among the songwriters involved.