ACEPs are authorized to offer NBCC credit for programs that satisfy NBCC policy requirements (qualifying programs). ACEPs can add new qualifying programs without prior approval from NBCC.
The ACEP administrator is designated by the ACEP to serve as the primary contact person with NBCC concerning all ACEP administration and ACEP status maintenance matters. Therefore, the ACEP must immediately notify NBCC of any change pertaining to the ACEP administrator’s contact information or the designation of a new ACEP administrator.
You will be invoiced once a year for your ACEP annual maintenance fee. Please pay by the due date to avoid a late fee. Unless your contact information has changed, no additional information is required.
You will receive a third-year audit notification at the end of your approval cycle. The notification will provide detailed instructions. In order to maintain your ACEP status, all required audit forms, materials and fees must be submitted by the due date.
ACEPs must comply with the NBCC Policy and directives.
If you are approved for only one program delivery format (either live event or home study), you can apply to add the other delivery format.
If you would like to partner with another continuing education provider and use your ACEP number or NBCC approval to offer NBCC credit for a qualifying program, you must first apply and be approved.
As a benefit, ACEPs can advertise qualifying approved programs on the NBCC CE Calendar of Events for free. Find all of the advertising options here.
Submit NowIn addition, NBCC maintains an online ACEP Directory
NBCC offers a direct mailing advertising opportunity to promote your programs
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Greensboro, North Carolina 27403
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