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How to Write a Techinical Approach


Let's set the scene. You’ve just come on to a new proposal effort and are anxiously awaiting your writing assignment.

When it finally hits your inbox, fear rises as you discover that you have been assigned the Technical Approach and have no technical expertise. Do not panic! We’ve got your back! Keep reading for some proven do’s and don'ts to help you write a winning Technical Approach.

What the Technical Approach should be

The Technical Approach should meet the customer’s technical requirements, clearly show your methodologies and solutions for doing this work, and include impactful proof points to validate your claims and reinforce your success. While responding to the technical requirements of the RFP is critical, ensuring that the other sections of the proposal, such as Program Management, Staffing, Transition, and Pricing support the Technical Approach provides a truly powerful, compelling case to the customer.

The government will evaluate the degree to which your proposal submission presents a clear understanding of the work statement in the request. Remember, proposals are scored, not read. It is important to note that the RFP usually specifies the relative weightings of the Technical, Management, Transition, Price, and other sections.

Oftentimes, we see general information used to address a project’s Technical Approach section. This approach is a big mistake that will cost you dearly at scoring. A comprehensive, clear Technical Approach is essential to your proposal's success, but often, the development of the Technical Approach lags the rest of the proposal.

Because of space constraints, a lack of time and understanding, or poor planning, offerors often fill the Technical Approach section of a proposal response with reuse or boilerplate material instead of a customized, scope-specific solution. Such shortcuts result in a missed opportunity to highlight and weave in key win themes and discriminators of your proposed work plan.

The goal of a Technical Approach document is twofold:

Writers should remember that the focus of a Technical Approach should be on how the customer will benefit from what you offer. Evaluators should walk away understanding why your proposal is their obvious best option. The section should demonstrate your understanding of the requirements and the approach to satisfying them.

There are many ways to approach writing technical sections. The KSI Advantage™ process recommends the following steps:

Recommended Steps for Writing Technical Approach

  1. Describe the Technical Challenge(s). What is the problem in need of a solution? What are the risks? What are the consequences of failure to fix the problem? Demonstrate you understand the scope and complexity of the problem. Describe the as-is state and why it is not optimal or could be improved.
  2. List Your Assumptions. What reasonable, necessary, or desirable assumptions must be made to support the plan?
  3. Describe Your Plan or Solution. How do you solve the technical challenge(s)? Provide the:
    1. Who: Organization or key personnel, responsibilities, and authorities, labor categories, skill mix
    2. What: System, technology, process, procedure, policy, steps, activities
    3. When: Timeframe, schedule, milestones, dates, phases
    4. Where: Location(s) where the work will be performed
    5. Why: Rationale for why your solution will work
    6. How: Methods to measure your solution’s effectiveness, including metrics, performance measures, success criteria, and relevant benchmarks; identify potential risks of your plan, and eliminate or mitigate them

    Features and Benefits Table-1

    Helpful tips when developing the Technical Approach

    Customer Testimonial-1

    Things to avoid

    Now that we have spent significant time telling you what to do, here are some key “not to do’s.”


    If you are assigned the Technical Approach section of a proposal, do not fret! Remember it is crucial to present a fact-based approach that demonstrates a clear, tangible value to the customer.

    Your response should illustrate how you will approach the project and meet the requirements in the solicitation while remaining customer-focused and integrating illustrative proof points throughout. Make sure you show them your value-add through metrics and thoughtful graphics. And don’t forget, proposals are scored, not read, so review your work like an evaluator would.

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    Written by Melissa Serna

    Melissa Serna is a Proposal Development Consultant with Key Solutions. She is an alumnus of Florida International University where she earned a BS in Mass Communication with a concentration in Journalism. Melissa then went on to complete an MS in Higher Education Administration at the University of Miami. She has extensive writing and editing experience and in her free time enjoys yoga, cooking, and traveling.