Approved Software

Only ACCA-approved software complies with our design standards and meets building code requirements!

If software is not listed on this page, then it is not ACCA-approved, and it does not produce results in compliance with our rigorous standards.

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Especially in terms of Manual J® residential load calculation, make sure that you only use ACCA-approved software in order to ensure compliance with building codes.

Manual J®, Manual D®, and Manual N® are all federally-registered trademarks of ACCA. All rights reserved. See our legal policies page.

Powered by ACCA Manual J

Full Residential Load Calculation

(Supports Block Load™, Room-by-Room Load™, Zone-by-Zone™ and Adequate Exposure Diversity™ or AED™ Calculations)

Wrightsoft Right-J8 Windows
Elite RHVAC Windows
Adtek Acculoads Windows
Florida Solar Energy Center's EnergyGauge Windows
Carmelsoft HVAC ResLoad-J iPad
Avenir MJ8 Editions of HeatCAD and LoopCAD Windows
Cool Calc Manual J Browsers
Conduit Tech LiDAR-capable devices
Amply Energy LiDAR-capable devices

Manual J Block Load Compliant

Limited to Block Load Only

Wrightsoft Right-J Mobile
CalcuNow MJ8-Calc

Powered by ACCA Manual D

Residential Duct Design

Wrightsoft Right-D Windows
Elite Ductsize Windows
Adtek Accuduct Windows

Excludes Manual ZR Compliance™ and Panned Airway Compliance™

Florida Solar Energy Center's EnergyGauge Windows

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